People of Wekiwa Springs

Working to Create a Better Community


We are a non-profit community association located in the Wekiwa Springs area of northwest Orange County, Florida dedicated to improving our community and making Wekiwa Springs a premier place to live

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The People of Wekiwa Springs

Our Mission

The People of Wekiwa Springs Community Association has been created to engage in collective actions to build a sense of community in Wekiwa Springs, resolve the issues that adversely affect our community, protect our property values, enhance our residents’ lives, and improve and sustain the highest quality of life throughout Wekiwa Springs.

Corridor Cleanup Events

Third Saturday of the Month

Come join out cleanup crews and have some fun beautifying the Wekiwa Springs area by picking up litter, pressure washing, painting and trimming vegetation. Let’s show the rest of the world how truly amazing Wekiwa Springs is.

Community Education

Second Tuesday of the Month

Come and learn about what’s going on in our section of the County, how different County Departments can benefit you and your community, how other communities get things done and businesses that benefit you in the community.

Community Events

Check the Events Page under Get Involved

The People of Wekiwa Springs hold community events throughout the year at local areas for people to get together, meet their neighbors and get a sense of community with their neighbors. Check our Events page for upcoming dates.

People of Wekiwa Springs

Over 60 Communities

Find out more about the dedicated individuals and influential leaders of Wekiwa Springs who are committed to making this community one of the finest places to live in the Orlando area. Explore our exciting calendar of special events and initiatives, as well as stay updated on forthcoming enhancements to the Wekiwa Springs vicinity. Welcome to People of Wekiwa Springs, where you can discover the true essence of our vibrant community.

Helping Our Area

Be part of a group that actively works in Wekiwa Springs, assisting other communities in successfully maintaining and ensuring their safety. Join our meetings and connect with County personnel who can make use of available government services. Engage with local businesses that generously contribute to the community.




"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."


– Henry Ford

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."


– Margaret Mead

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."


– Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Always look for the helpers. There will always be helpers."


– Fred Rogers

People of Wekiwa Springs

Our Events

Looking for Specific Information?

We have information on how to report a streetlight out, where the septic to sewer project is, how to start get a neighborhood watch program in your neighborhood, how to get a grant to do fix your front entrance, safety and beautification programs in your area, etc. Just look at the Get Info link in the menu and pick the area (safety, beautification or grants) that apply. We also have a FAQs section on the pages for miscellaneous questions.

Latest Featured Information

2025 February Meeting Minutes

2025 February Meeting Minutes

POWS Board Meeting 02/11/2025 Meeting was called to order at 6:38pm. It was discussed that we would not participate in the corridor of the year contest.  Jeff had to step down from the board. A survey will be mailed to members to see what ideas they have and...

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2025 January Meeting Minutes

2025 January Meeting Minutes

Date: 1/14/2025 Location: Wekiwa Springs Baptist Church, 584 N Wekiwa Springs Rd, Apopka FL 32712 Premeeting with Officers: 6:30pm Discussion of Upcoming Events District 2 is now instituting a new COY for commercial for 2025 – POWS has not committed to doing it Look...

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A Warm Welcome to Wekiwa Springs

A Warm Welcome to Wekiwa Springs

Kicking Off 2025 with Community Spirit  On a crisp January morning, the People of Wekiwa Springs (POWS) community volunteers gathered to embark on its first community enhancement activity of the year. The setting was the busy intersection of Wekiwa Springs Road and...

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Highlighted Topic

Septic to Sewer Project

In an effort to get more information out to our members and area residents on this very important project in the region for both our home prices and our environment, POWS is listing the linking the OCPS Septic to Sewer website pages to make it easy to find information.

Please note that your phase determines where the required documents are kept (in tabs on the page) and phase specific information like projected starting date and project info. Please consult the image to the right to determine your phase and and then click the button below to be taken to their webpage with the info.

A Special Thanks to Our Top Sponsors

Can’t Be At A Cleanup or Event, But Want To Help?